Benedetto Poma’s works on display at Palazzo Villelmi
We know that hospitality is not just about comfort and services: it is atmosphere, details, emotion. It is the ability to transform a simple stay into a sensory experience. This is why every room at Palazzo Villelmi houses a work from Benedetto Poma‘s Atmosfere Mediterranee collection, an art installation designed to reinvent space and establish a dialogue with its guests.
Just as Palazzo Villelmi combines 15th-century aesthetics with state-of-the-art amenities, Poma carries the observer on a journey between past and present, evoking the sea, myth, and travel. His paintings are visual narratives in which blurred colours mingle with dreamlike symbols, creating scenarios suspended between reality and imagination.
A stay at Palazzo Villelmi means plunging into this artistic dimension, letting oneself be enveloped by a beauty that goes beyond physical space and transforms every room into a canvas on which stories, suggestions and memories are woven. Because hospitality, here, is art through and through.
Note sull’artista
Benedetto Poma nasce a Catania nel 1968. Fin da giovanissimo manifesta un talento innato per la pittura, che lo porta a formarsi presso l’Istituto Statale d’Arte di Catania e successivamente a laurearsi in Architettura all’Università di Reggio Calabria nel 1999.
Dal 1981 partecipa a prestigiose mostre nazionali e internazionali, esponendo in musei e istituzioni di rilievo. La sua arte è un viaggio attraverso i simboli universali dell’esistenza umana: il mito, la storia, l’architettura, il viaggio, gli scorci della Sicilia, restituiti attraverso una pittura evocativa e sospesa, in cui la bellezza si intreccia all’equilibrio del tempo e della memoria.